so the weather in wisconsin is kinda crazy

i would just like to take this moment to remind everyone that when i interviewed for my current job in wisconsin it was like 80 degrees.

in october.

PEOPLE! it’s the d*mn reason i moved here. that, and the pay raise. but the weather and the pay raise were seriously equal partners in my decision.

and then i got here a measly three weeks later and it snowed everyday for 7 months straight.

and that totally sucked.

but when June came i thought it was in the clear.

i wasn’t.

turns out they get MASSIVE RAINS here. i mean M.A.S.S.I.V.E. massive.

and then, when things start to dry out, you think ‘maybe i can sleep with my window open tonight, seing as how it’s summer and dry out.’

that would be a stupid thought though, because apparently despite the area’s June month, it gets d*mn cold here at night.

and now my throat hurts.

and im applying for jobs in mexico while practicing my spanish on my lunch breaks. seriously. i NEED to be somewhere warmer.

wish me luck. or as they say in espanol: wish me buena suerte.

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looking for doves in all the wrong places

so basically my life sucked last night.

although i was in good company (hi mandy!) my poor little city became a lake.

there was this rain storm from heck and the world kinda, sorta almost ended (ish). 

i’ll have more stories on everything later (including but not limited to: “the time i almost ate cheese because i really, really, really wanted to,” “the time i slept in mandy’s pjs. on her couch.” and “starting a car after a flood: what not to do.”) but to satisfy your appetite for gawking at poor oshkoshians here’s a link to a flood photo gallery mandy and i took on our way to work.

isn’t that crazy? 

p.s. if you’re an oshkosh news junkie you also should visit the Northwestern’s web site by clicking here. we’ve got this flood seriously covered. im talking stories, video, pictures and more! have fun. and stay tuned for my own personal updates.  

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because it’s my blog and i can makes lists if i want to.

things that suck about life:

•sore throats

•gas prices

•not having a dish washer

•boring meetings

•my inability to avoid typos

•having a bunch of friends who haven’t seen “sex and the city,” therfore putting me a position where i can’t talk about THE most amazing movie eva.

•swim-suit season

tomatoes making people sick

•eating out when you’re vegan

•my salary 

•racist people not liking barack obama

floods (luckily this has only happened to other people thus far, and i live on the second floor so i feel pretty safe. but still, i feel sad for the victims)

•motzerella not being vegan

•not being able to fall asleep even when im tired

Reno 911. (seriously, who watches this show?)

 ya. that pretty much sums it up for tonight.

any one want to add anything?


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