let’s recap why my life sucks

last week, i had to deal with my family’s domestic violence situation. then my sister and i drove into a ditch in the middle of 72 corn fields and had to get towed out, then i had to call dcfs, then my mom stopped talking to me. then, last night (thursday) i had another gall stone attack, felt like i was going to die, drove myself to the emergency room during a blizzard, was given drugs that made it illegal for me to drive and then proceeded to be unable to find anyone in a 20 mile radius who’d ANSWER THEIR PHONE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT WHEN IT’S MOST LIKELY AN EMERGENCY! to pick me up from the hospital, got a ride home at 3:30 a.m. from a cab driver who smoked and tried to kill me while driving on awful snow-filled roads and now have to work until 11 p.m.

i used to say, it could be worse, i could be blago. but seriously, that man brought on his own d*mn problems. i think i’d rather be him than me at this point.

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Friday night I was in the mood for some boston market and about to pay for my all-sides meal when I got the call.

my grandma was on the other end, and said ‘didn’t you hear? (mom’s boyfriend) went after your mom with an ax after catching her with another guy and nobody has heard from you mom today. and he slit all your mom’s tires.’

i thought the worst. death crossed my mind. i couldn’t even think of a response. i got sick to my stomach and was too shocked to even cry.

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sheltered lives

sew, i volunteered at homeless shelter last night. nothing too exciting to report, but since everyone I talk to on a daily basis (hi Jill, hi mom) was curious as to how it went, i’ll tell you.

I got there around 11 p.m. (to do the 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. shift) and the woman in charge of the first shift was all, “oh, it’s been a quiet night. well, there was that one fight, but i wasn’t here for that because i was in the midst of taking someone to the hospital. but things seemed to have calmed down.” and i was all ‘frick. that’s a QUIET night. im so screwed.’

but luckily everyone was asleep (or at least faking it d*mn well) by the time I got there, so me and the other volunteer on the shift just had to make some sack lunches and not fall asleep. let me tell you, the highlight of the night was the sack lunches. other than that, he and i just played uno.

four three hours. (from 11 to midnight we just talked, while considering the uno). I’m not 100 percent certain, but I’m pretty sure I rock at UNO so i therefore must have won most of the games. 🙂

then around 2 a.m. I went to the bathroom. (i know. exciting). then the next shift’s volunteer showed up at 3 a.m. and the other volunteer and I went home.

like i said, not much to report. i do plan to do it again (see: every second wednesday of the month). and im happy i did it. being a newspaper reporter, pretty much every other story i write is about how the need for these types of things keeps going up (see: poor economy), so what the heck. i don’t really NEED sleep. right?

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