Happy Christmas (Eve).

Maybe it’s the NyQuil, Vicks, Advil (for the still-sorta-swollen ankle), Puff tissue PLUS lotion cocktail – but I feel kind of spaced out.

All I can think about is the wooden “PEACE” letters resting on my window sill, and the snow-covered bush in the background.

How Christmas is that?

I still have a couple presents to buy (see: 20s something brothers, impossible to shop for.),  and although nearly all of my immediate family will be over to my house tonight, I have yet to wash a single dish.

Say it with me: Pro. Crast. Inate.

I did, in fact, clean the toilet this morning for the first time in oh, umm. Ya, actually, I’m too embarrassed to tell you the last time I cleaned it. Just think of the last time you cleaned yours and then add a couple months to the equation.  Oh! And I also threw two shopping bags of used tissue into the garage garbage.

My goal is to get my sense of smell back by the time dinner is served tomorrow.

For now, I will leave you with one of my favorite Christmas clips eva. My prayer for you is that you’ll keep in your hearts the real reason for this holiday – with God, the impossible is actually possible. And each of us can be saved.

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TV junk food

Wow. It’s been a hot minute since my last entry, huh?

Vacation days will do that to a girl.

So will reliance on a sporadic internet connection.

I let my sister and niece lure me into their “Christmas break mode” and we spent all day yesterday watching “True Life” and “World’s Strictest Parents” on MTV, while also flipping over to “Top 40 videos of 2009” on VH1.

Aside from learning that Michael Franti is WAY to old for me, I also realized that MTV documentaries are like crack. Have you ever watched these things? They’re so gritty. My favorite part is how they show people’s lives as is – mismatched furniture, dirty laundry, an old 92′ van filled with random kid crap and fast-food wrappers.

Love it.

And the World’s Strictest Parents totally transformed this one kid’s life in a week.


That’s amazing. All they had to do was make him sleep on the floor and do ranch-related chores like feed the pigs. Oh! And on True Life, two 20-something girls were supporting their entire families. Yes, they had obvious co-dependency issues and they pushed guys away with pitchfork-like conversations about their problems, but I still felt bad for them.

I still want to find out how they’re doing now.

Now, I’m watching “The Hangover.” It’s pretty much the opposite of a gritty documentary, but it still fits nicely with the whole “Christmas break mode.” So excuse while I find out what happened to that one man’s tooth and why there’s a baby in the closet.

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This post is (mostly) not about my ankle

Oh happy happy joy joy!

I’m on vacation from work tomorrow.

And the next day. And the day after that. And two more days after THAT!

(You can be jealous now).

I’m not even going to write a depressing paragraph here about how I requested this time off all the way back in July so that I could go Christmas shopping, and now I can’t walk because my ankle is still jacked the jack up, so Christmas shopping would be supa lame.

Nope. Not me. Not going to write anything about that.

Oh. and ALSO, in other breaking news, I am getting a Christmas bonus from work!

Not like last year’s bonus of free hot chocolate from the vending machine. A REAL bonus. Made of money!

I’m thinking that between the time off work and the extra cash I should be able to squeek in a smile here and there. Heck, I might even throw caution to the wind for a few seconds and try to forget about that stupid problem I have, (it rhymes with “frained vankle”).

I just need to remember not to forget about it when I’m standing up.

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