About the author

Selfie of me, a 39-year-old white woman with blond hair and gray roots. I'm smiling.

My name is Crystal.

I’m 39. I’m vegan. I have EDS and three cats.

I’m engaged to a guy I met a local Democratic organizing meeting in 2018. He’s perfect for me. We’ve both since shifted further left. Don’t ask me when the wedding is. We’re broke, ok? But he wakes me up with conversations about the latest political news, he rubs my feet as we fall asleep to the TV every night and he loves our cats more than I do. Also, he’s smart as f*ck. So it’s ok that we’re broke. Being broke is just one of the things about life. 

I started this blog back in the day, way back when Taco Bell still sold seven-layer burritos. I haven’t posted in a few years, but I’m back now.

I probably shouldn’t be posting any of this on the internet, but I don’t have a full-time job anymore, and what’s the point of being underemployed if you can’t even express yourself?

I do freelance work, and if you want to hire me to write something or to offer me a book deal, email me at cs.lindell@gmail.com.

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  1. It’s about time you got a blog! At least you are easier to find and probably keep in touch with (rather than My Space).

  2. I don’t know how your blog is dated, but I’m writing this on 1/23 at 10:13 p.m. and your blog is dating the comments as Jan. 24. But that isn’t my comment. I started getting grey when I was 25. We aren’t blood related, but it happens. Go with it.

  3. On the honey thing–
    If you’re comfortable with it, then it’s not a problem. Don’t let other people including vegan nazis make rules for you for what’s right for you.

  4. Ah yes. I remember discussions late at night in a creepy old building, with the coin stealing janitors, somewhere in the middle of a cornfield about how some day you would be a famous writer.

  5. I belong to a pain group on FB & our administrator posted one of your blogs. Other than remembering your blog name, is there any way you send out your posts or another way to find your “words of wisdom” (I especially loved the “skipping the daily shower” part. As a chronic pain survivor for 40 yrs., how do I follow you? Thanks!

    1. Hey there! Thanks so much for checking out my blog Kathy!

      I write here and on the National Pain Report, so maybe the most direct way to follow me is on Facebook. Feel free to add me as a friend at http://www.facebook.com/crystalsue. I always link to everything I write there.

      You could also click on the subscribe button on the top right of my blog and choose a way to get updates. I usually wait a few days to post anything I’ve written for the pain report on here, but it all finds its way here eventually. There’s even an email alert option if you’re interested in that.

      I hope you’re not in too much pain today!


  6. I love reading your blog. I completely understand where you are coming from and your words are comforting. Thanks again for putting it all out there! I would love to be on your email alert.


  7. Thanks for sharing (lol). As I lay here in pain pain pain overwhelmed and tired, thank you for writing the real. We get it and it is comforting NOT to be alone. Pain Sucks. I picked up my room and vacuumed and now I am writhing. Thanks for writing down the truth of living w chronic pain. I’m 60 now anid your prose helps me. I forward your posts to my little brained friends and associates. Thank you.

  8. Thanks for sharing (lol). As I lay here in pain pain pain overwhelmed and tired, thank you for writing the real. We get it and it is comforting NOT to be alone. Pain Sucks. I picked up my room and vacuumed and now I am writhing. Thanks for writing down the truth of living w chronic pain. I’m 60 now anid your prose helps me. I forward your posts to my little brained friends and associates. Thank you.

  9. Thanks for sharing (lol). As I lay here in pain pain pain overwhelmed and tired, thank you for writing the real. We get it and it is comforting NOT to be alone. Pain Sucks. I picked up my room and vacuumed and now I am writhing. Thanks for writing down the truth of living w chronic pain. I’m 60 now anid your prose helps me. I forward your posts to my little brained friends and associates. Thank you.

  10. Hi. I read your article on things you wish you’d been told on chronic pain. I’m right with you on the daily showers & how hard it would be to get pain meds prescribed when your pain is up to 8-10 on a reg. basis. I’ve been diagnosed with lupus then told the pain that didn’t fit that was fibromyalgia. Later told maybe no on the lupus then maybe yes again. Apparently I get a low positive or negative on bld. work but as my dr. now says my original symptoms were joint not muscle pain-that came later, extreme sun sensitivity, other unknown rashes then finally my entire body rms & legs broken out in weeping rash & swollen nearly double with the worst joint pain ever. This happened twice after prolonged sun exposure. Wether I have one or both it’s bad & has completely changed my life. Like a previous commenter I really want to keep reading your work. I followed you on FB as you suggested but wonder wether you’d ever put subscribe by email on your site? Thanks for some great writing.

  11. Hi! I came across your blog while looking for ANYTHING online about ulcers and costochondritis. My doc diagnosed costo a year ago. Next week i have a gastro appt. I can’t tell you how much i loved your blog about your experience with these two conditions. I especially liked the comment about googling something too much and how you were convinced you had cancer (thanks Google!)… I soooo relate to this! The more you google the more illnesses you acquire! Too funny. Anyway, thank you for your blog.

  12. Crystal – I was just wondering if you had ever tried (or had any luck) with any holistic routes/alternative medicine/etc. ?

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