Tuesday I get a little sideways

Right now, I’m spending all my time working out, planning youth group and going to my real job.

All told, that equals about 27 hours a day.

I day dream about olive garden breadsticks while weighing myself everyday twice a day five times a day to stay on track. And then I walk at least 3 miles.

While not drooling over taco bell commercials, I go through things I need to do for church. Did I facebook stalk the students who didn’t come Sunday? Check. Did I figure out a game that adequately brings up spiritual gifts? Sort of. Did I nail down how many kids are coming to the November concert? Not even close.

In the middle of all that I check my work e-mail about 37 times. An hour. I also obsessively check news site to see if I missed anything I should have covered and to make sure none of the Bears’ players randomly injured themselves mid-week.

I know, I know. My life is so exciting that you totally wish you were me right now.

It’s cool. So does the dog.

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And then, on 9/12 everything was different

yesterday i got to do the kind of thing that reminds my why I keep sticking out this whole journalism thing.

A 9/11 survivor who started the day on the 105th floor of the World Trade Center that morning spoke at a local hospital for the 8th anniversary. Not only did I cover the speech, I also got to do a video interview with him before hand.

I had never met someone like that before and his story was very moving.

Go read my story here.


Go watch the video here.


As he says, “Always remember. Never forget.”

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kind of like a murder, but of a blog

i officially deleted my anonymous journalism blog today.

all but two of you probably didn’t even know i had this site (see: webster, anonymous) but it’s kind of a moot point, seeing as how it’s now been deleted. that’s right. gone. forever. into the dark abyss. or heaven. or into the earth. (im not actually sure where blogs go when they die).


i started it back when i was working in oshkosh as a way to vent because holy pencils, did that place suck. (i can say that right? that it sucked. hmm? i don’t remember any confidentiality agreements). i only kept it up to date for about three minutes though because it’s pretty freaking hard to manage two blogs.

and i’ve let it sit silent for the past six months (ish). so today, out of the kindness of my heart and because wordpress kept yelling at me to EITHER DELETE THE BLOG OR PUT UP A NEW POST ALREADY!! i exported all the files onto my desktop and clicked “delete blog.”

maybe it’s a metaphor for what i subconsciously know i need to do to journalism. or maybe it’s just another thing on my saturday to-do list. either way, it’s gone forever. (so I’m told by wordpress).

the whole thing was a warm-up for my next goal: to delete the site where this blog used to be. but i feel much, much sadder about that possibility.

it’s weird to think that my original home on cybersype could be killed so easily. with a just a few confirmation clicks everything could wipped out.

that one might take me a little longer to actually do.

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