accomplishments today: 2.5

so, while ‘other’ people where oh umm, getting closer to the presidency, birthing or celebrating 38 years of life, i pretty much did nada today (sigh).

sure, sure, i baked some vegan chocolate chip cookies (which didn’t suck), finished up some dishes, tried to hang fabric over my wall-length mirrors (i say ‘tried’ because i had to give up on that when i decided it was a two-person job), went for a walk (complete with ankle weights), and watched TWO movies as well as a Living Single marathon on WE TV — i pretty much feel like a lump on my (super awesome) couch today.

you know, compared to these ‘other’ people.

don’t get me wrong, i do have a few things to show for my actions.

1. a new celebrity crush (antonio banderas).

2. stronger calves (but just barely)


3. clean dishes

but i just feel like i wasted away june 3, 2008.

im going to go ahead and justify it by pointing out that i will be working the next TEN days in a row.

but even so, i feel pretty lame.

and p.s. GO CANDIDATE X!


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