my cue to read ‘the elements of style’

so tonight i was talking to this guy i recently met about my blog.

and he was all “‘ya, i was thinking about starting a blog, but i’m not that good at spelling or grammar.'”

and then i was all, “‘umm, have you read my blog? it’s not about that kind of stuff. it’s about writing without editors.'”

and he was all “‘ya, seeing your blog made me think, ‘if she can do it, i can do it.'”

wait. huh?

what’s that supposed to mean?

i should probably start using capital letters.

p.s. click here if you don’t understand my oh-so-clever title.

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despite being a journalist, i can’t relly spel*

umm, so wordpress changed a bunch of stuff this weekend and for some reason i can’t find the spell check. and seeing as how im the worst speller ever, (true story) im just giving you guys some warning that my posts might have some mistakes until i figure it out.

and, anyone who knows where the square button with the abc letters and the little check symbol ended up, should share the knowledge.


*note: the title was for humor. i CAN spell the words “really” and “spell.” im not a complete idiot.

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