heck ya i got a bberry. and its pink too

yes my hair is darker. no, i don't know why my fingers look so long
darker hair. cooler phone. same towels.

first of all, yes. i love it!

second of all, my mom (a verizon employee with discounts) got it for me, so it’s not like im suddenly rich. (although some say i live in a mansion based on my attached garage status).

im talking about my new blackberry curve of course.

for those of you stuck in 2006, let me explain to you why a blackberry is god’s way of making up for 8 years of George W. Bush:

1. my text messages now are displayed as a running conversation. no more, “why did that boy say: he’d like a lick?!… oh. I told him i was baking cookies.” etc.

2. i can totally blog via my phone if i’m so inspired (this post is, however, done the old-fashioned way on a computer)

3. it has a 2 mega pixel camera (see above).

4. it has a digital voice recorder on it, which i can use to interview everyone from a random firefighter, to the mayor.

5. it makes you look really important when you use it.

6. it has a little scolly thing instead of flimsy arrow keys.

7. it comes with a ring tone named ‘crystal’ (yes this is true. yes i’m using it).

8. i can totally read things online (like dooce, or time.com/swampland or thesuperficial.com) when im bored.

9. it totally stores a bunch of music.

10. it’s synced to e-mail, which i can even reply to via my awesome phone.

11. it’s pink.

SEE! SEE how much cool stuff i’ve discovered in the past 24 hours! and im sure there’s just more to come!

im pretty certain i officially have the best mom in the universe.

wait, let me check all-knowing google ……. yep. “in the universe” stands.

if you or someone you love has owned a blackberry longer than 24 hours PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me cool things i can do with it. also send your pin to my phone and we can blackberry messenger (like the cool kids).

p.s. yes, i totally created a ‘blackberry’ category for my blog. what? it’s love people. LOVE!

UPDATE: Kim Kardashian totally has my phone! (see here).

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