Editor’s note: This is the prayer I wrote for the Easter services at my church.
Dear Lord,
Today we remember your grace, mercy and love.
We remember your son, who you sent as our dove.
We reflect on the suffering he endured for our debt.
It’s gift that we pray we will never we forget.
Because we understand that our debt was substantial.
And we pray we will always be humbly grateful.
Jesus hung on the cross, and bleed for our sin.
He was beaten, and tortured and endured wounds on his skin.
But, the story, we know, didn’t end with the grave.
Instead, your son, the whole world he did save.
Through his resurrection, we gained access to eternal existence.
And suddenly your presence wasn’t at a great distance.
Jesus offered us all true unity with you.
And gave us a chance to each be made new.
So we rejoice, and shout: He is risen!
We are no longer bound by sin’s mighty prison!
But we also know that this world is still broken.
And that many have not yet heard the good news that’s been spoken.
So, we pray for the sick, the poor and the sad.
We pray for the lonely, the hungry, the mad.
We pray for the people who need it the most.
That they might be touched by your holy ghost.
We also, today, pray for the people who don’t think they need it all.
We know that prayer’s need is never that small.
And we pray for those who are still in the dark.
We ask that you’ll help them see your wrists, feel your marks.
Lord, we ask that they too can tap into your peace.
And truly understand that your love does not cease.
We pray that, like your son, we can be a light in the night.
We pray that as followers, we can shine even 1/100th as bright.
And, we ask all these things in Jesus’ name.
Because after He rose, everything changed.