dear readers, thanks for hitting refresh a lot.

hey there. hi there. hoe there.

sorry i’ve been away.

I was having an rockin’ good time at great america (more on that trip later).

but I’m back now. and I just want to say that I’m super-de-duperly excited that i ….

(wait for it).


for those of you who don’t know, i kind of love my little section of cyberspace the way normal people love children.

I started this thing WAY back in january, and it just keeps growing. day. by day. by day.

and it makes me so happy.

and one of these days im going to figure out how to make some moo-la off this thing so i can stop answering to ‘the man.’ (feel free to pray for me on that one). (also feel free to like just randomly send me money.) but until then, i’ll just keep begging people to read it.

Since ‘the only certainty is bad grammar’ started i’ve gotten pretty damn good at naviagatng the maze that is wordpress.

i’ve done simple things like ‘learn how to create pages’ (which difer from posts becasue the are tabbed above. go ahead. look.). I’ve done hard things like ‘learn how to add twitter’ (seen here to the right.). and I’ve done cool things, like ‘learn how to add a photo to a post.’

but mostly, I’ve just worked really, really hard to become a better writer. and I love that i don’t have to worry about editors here. and that i don’t have to be scared to be as creative as i feel like being.

of course, i also love that i can ramble on about johnny deppbein vegan, and puppies.

in conclusion, i just wanted to say ‘thank everyone. for caring about what i think. and write. you guys rock!’ 

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new design

So, I’m getting some complaints that the new text is hard to read. Is the bold better or worse?

This is bold.

This is regular.

UPDATE: So it seems I’ve figured out how to make the font look blacker without using bold (like i did with this sentence). so we all win!

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because i don’t think i was writing enough before

so i got another blog.

for work.

it’s about politics (i KNOW.

but you should read it anyway — because i can make fun. swear.

it’s (soon to be) linked on my blogroll or you can just click here (hopefully) to see it. you should also be able to find it via if you’re feeling like exploring my paper’s web site (newly redesigned, no less!) 

i know. fun times.

p.s. i HATE the picture posted with it. i really am much prettier in real life.

UPDATE: so ya, the link isn’t really working on my blog roll. or in this post. but you really can find the blog on promise.

i’ll be sure to work on the link issue tomorrow.

UPDATE: The links should be working now.

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