Why are you not watching Mad Men?
The season finale just aired. It was better than air.
And other things.
The show touched my soul.
A TV show. Touched my soul.
Then it wrapped up my heart in a blanket.
I couldn’t even say anything for the last 54 minutes because I was so riveted.
Words would not come out of my mouth. I have never seen anything this good. This meticulously well done. The actors, the costumes, the set.
And the writing.
The writing goes inside you. Somewhere deep. Somewhere you didn’t think anyone you knew could understand. But then, somehow, this writing understands, and it finds that place. And it moves it a little to left.
Just enough to make you different afterward.
Just enough to change you.
The effect is more amazing than air.
And other things.
still haven’t seen Mad Men. i don’t know why, no real good answer for that. ummm… ^5!