Barbie’s influence

EDITOR’S NOTE: the following post is kind of all over the place. but i was really tired when i wrote it.  

I’m all screwed up and I think i know why — her name is Barbie. You see, “Barbie” taught me i could be ANYTHING i wanted to be when i grew up (good) as long as i was pretty and blond (bad).

and now im constantly questioning my views of women (because I am one) and i’m not going to lie, im worried that i don’t really like hillary clinton because she’s a woman. and im worried that women leaders don’t have good role models so we don’t know if we like them  — we can compare Obama to JFK and even Lincoln, but the only woman leader many of us know to compare Clinton to is our moms — hence the constant references to her being a nag and a b*tch. (my mom is neither, btw. but i’ve also never made such references) and i really hope that my generation of women grows up to be GREAT women role models, but who will we model ourselves after?

and i just read this interview with Natalie Portman, and she talked about how women are SO used to feeling like they are less than men that they constantly say things like ‘this might sound stupid but…’ or ‘i don’t mean to be a b*tch but…” and i TOTALLY do that. and to my male boss’s credit he has (on more than one occasion) told me i should NOT do that when i talk to him because i’m not stupid or a b*tch. (he didn’t use those exact words, but you get the idea). and i really, really love my current male boss (not because he’s male, but because he’s a really respectable person in my field) but i DO totally feel like i’m less than him. (is it because he’s a male or because he’s a really respectable person in my field) and i REALLY noticed it today at work during a brain storm meeting that was all women for about 75 percent of it. and we all seemed SO confident and willing to share our unfiltered ideas. we DIDN’T preface all of them with “this might be a stupid idea but…” instead we just SAID them. like a leader would. like a male would.

And the other problem i have is that i TOTALLY judge my self-worth based on my appearance — no matter how good i am at my job. and the thinner and prettier i am the more respect i feel entitled to. but that’s stupid — guys don’t feel that way. plenty of ugly, fat guys are leaders in this world — umm, have you SEEN Rush Limbaugh?

im not sure how to fix any of this, but i just wanted to get it off my chest. and it’s MY blog. so i can do that. any of you women (or men) out there in the Interweb share my views?

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Barbie’s influence

EDITOR’S NOTE: the following post is kind of all over the place. but i was really tired when i wrote it.  

I’m all screwed up and I think i know why — her name is Barbie. You see, “Barbie” taught me i could be ANYTHING i wanted to be when i grew up (good) as long as i was pretty and blond (bad).

and now im constantly questioning my views of women (because I am one) and i’m not going to lie, im worried that i don’t really like hillary clinton because she’s a woman. and im worried that women leaders don’t have good role models so we don’t know if we like them  — we can compare Obama to JFK and even Lincoln, but the only woman leader many of us know to compare Clinton to is our moms — hence the constant references to her being a nag and a b*tch. (my mom is neither, btw. but i’ve also never made such references) and i really hope that my generation of women grows up to be GREAT women role models, but who will we model ourselves after?

and i just read this interview with Natalie Portman, and she talked about how women are SO used to feeling like they are less than men that they constantly say things like ‘this might sound stupid but…’ or ‘i don’t mean to be a b*tch but…” and i TOTALLY do that. and to my male boss’s credit he has (on more than one occasion) told me i should NOT do that when i talk to him because i’m not stupid or a b*tch. (he didn’t use those exact words, but you get the idea). and i really, really love my current male boss (not because he’s male, but because he’s a really respectable person in my field) but i DO totally feel like i’m less than him. (is it because he’s a male or because he’s a really respectable person in my field) and i REALLY noticed it today at work during a brain storm meeting that was all women for about 75 percent of it. and we all seemed SO confident and willing to share our unfiltered ideas. we DIDN’T preface all of them with “this might be a stupid idea but…” instead we just SAID them. like a leader would. like a male would.

And the other problem i have is that i TOTALLY judge my self-worth based on my appearance — no matter how good i am at my job. and the thinner and prettier i am the more respect i feel entitled to. but that’s stupid — guys don’t feel that way. plenty of ugly, fat guys are leaders in this world — umm, have you SEEN Rush Limbaugh?

im not sure how to fix any of this, but i just wanted to get it off my chest. and it’s MY blog. so i can do that. any of you women (or men) out there in the Interweb share my views?

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cats heart crystal. crystal hates cats

people who love cats, LOVE cats. like human-to-human love, but instead it’s human-to-cat.

i am NOT one of those people. i hate them. im allergic. and i think they’re weird and unpredictable. and you know what cat people? someone HAS to say it — they make your house smell like a litter box. filled with pet food. you whole house. and glade candles DON’T cover it. YOU just can’t smell it because you LIVE there.

but whenever i go over to a cat-owner’s house, the cats gravitate toward me. and each time i really do hope that THESE cats won’t bring out my allergies. but THEN, five hours later my eyes are the color of roses and my nose is leaking like, well, a runny nose. and allergy medicine just makes me fall asleep immediately, so i say no when the cat owner offers me a benydryl.

and i proclaim to the world that “Despite my vegan-ism, i wouldn’t be opposed to eliminating the cats of the world by killing them!”

hopefully those of you on the fence about buying a cat will take this into consideration. that’s all.


People take me too seriously. I think that’s my problem.


Wanted to post an update even though I’m fairly certain nobody will ever see this. It is now the year 2021. And I have 3 cats.

I got one cat that didn’t aggravate my allergies and it was all uphill from there.

I also have not one,  but two feeding stations set up outside for local strays. One of the feeding stations has a heated cat bed.

Looking back, I remember disliking cats. I don’t know why I said I wanted to kill them, and yes, that was a dumb thing to say. I think I was going for shock value. And I was thinking about how they had made me severely sick multiple times. But I shouldn’t have written that.

In other news, scanning the comments here, there’s one below from Bronson. He passed away last year from COVID.

I’ve thought about him and his cat Toppers so often since then then. Maybe, somehow, he passed on his love for cats to me. Or maybe I took it up in memory of him. I just wish he was here, so I could let him now how things turned out. So I could introduce him to all my beautiful cats. 

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