The weather outside is delightful!

Apparently there’s been grass in Oshkosh all this time. I really did think the entire city was snow. all of it. even the streets (turns out they’re gravel).

i’m pretty excited that the 37 feet (true story) of snow finally is melting and that the brownish-green muddy grass is popping up. I’ll probably have to start wearing my bathing suit to work now or something though. I’m not saying definitely, I’m just saying probably.

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you know, becuase M takes sooo long to say. and write.

so i’m not trying to scare anyone, but i’ve noticed a disturbing new trend among media folk. like on cnn. and the radio. and even some commercials, people are saying times as either 10 p or 10 a.

umm, wtf? did someone decide “m” was just too long? or too complicated? or too boring?

i like to think of myself as someone who can change with the times, but i don’t know about this crap. im thinking it just sounds too weird. and short.

so if you’re asking the time is 5:56 pM

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