I got gastritis. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

My doctor told me not to eat chocolate for at least 30 days because the my stomach lining is swollen and I have an ulcer in my intestines and apparently chocolate is bad for those things.

And I was all, “But, umm, I write for a candy magazine. It’s literally my job to eat chocolate.” And she was all, “He He He. You’re so funny. Just eat other candy.” And I was like, “Whoa. This sucks.”

And then I went back to work today after being out sick Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and wouldn’t you know that I got a sample box of 16 chocolates with a retail price of $48. Those are some seriously amazing chocolates.

Ya, I ate five of them.

And they were all amazing. One had passion fruit in the center and I loved it.

Backing up a few steps, for those who don’t follow me on Facebook, I was in the hospital Monday and Tuesday. Apparently I have gastritis in my stomach and the aforementioned ulcer. It basically feels like someone took a metal bat to my side.

And because gastritis rhymes with bronchitis, I can’t help but quote this amazing women pretty much all day, every day.

You’d be shocked to learn how often I can tell people I wanted a “cold pop!”

Anyway, so ya, Monday morning I woke up, and my side hurt and I thought I was going to die, and so on my way to work I figured I’d just swing by the emergency room — you know, to see how long I had.

They pumped me full of morphine like the second I walked in the door. Then they X-rayed my chest, but nothing showed up. So then they gave me a CT Scan and it turns out that I am one of the few people who vomits after being pumped full of the dye they rush through your system right before they take the pictures. So, ya, that sucked.

And then they were all, “The CT Scan looks pretty good. We think you have an ulcer. We’re going to keep you overnight so we can better manage your pain, and then tomorrow we’re going to stick a camera down your throat and take a look around. Cool? Cool.”

And I was like, “OMG!!!! What if I wake up while you’re sticking a camera down my throat?”

And the dude was like, “Ya, that could happen. But you won’t remember it.”

Which wasn’t exactly the response I was hoping for.

I slept with an IV in my arm and every single time I bent my elbow the alarm on the IV beeped like an insane person worried the sky was falling and then I had to call a nurse and I think the nurse got annoyed that I kept calling, but she wouldn’t tell me how to shut the IV off myself when that happened, so whatever.

My mom and grandma came up and spent the night in the hospital with me because spending the night in the hospital sucks and is scary and people literally wake you up at 4:30 a.m. to draw blood from your arm like it’s normal and so it’s really important that your mom and grandma spend the night in the room with you when that happens.

The two of them rotated between the bed and the couch.

Here is my mom on the couch:

And here is my poor grandma sleeping on the chair:

I’m really sorry you had to sleep like that grandma!

My brother Steve was also by my side for most of this crazy hospital adventure. He served as the coherent person in the room when I was doped up on morphine and the doctors were trying to explain crazy things to me about my intestines.

Of course, my amazing boyfriend was there as well. He held my hand through everything and was awesome and brought me roses and I love him because he is so awesome. And once, when the nurse was pumping drugs into my IV, I was holding his hand and the nurse was all snark and all, “What do you think is going to happen?” And I was all, “Nothing. I just like to hold his hand.” Boo-ya!

Now, to answer the question I know you’re all thinking: How the heck did my stomach get so screwed up? Well, it turns out that taking 9-12 Advil a day, every day for 10 years can mess you up. I basically can never take another Ibuprofen again for the rest of my life. Ever.

Also, for the next 30 days I can’t eat tomatoes, drink soda or have large meals. So far so good on all of those, even though before this happened I basically lived pop and large, heavy tomato-based meals. The last restriction though — no chocolate — well, ya. I hope the doctor wasn’t super serious about that one.

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Why my boyfriend is super awesome

Title: Why My Boyfriend is Super Awesome.
By: Crystal Lindell

So ya, I have a super awesome boyfriend.

First of all, he’s really cute. I especially like when he wears his black button-up shirt and jeans, but he also looks equally attractive when wearing a hoodie, or a Bulls sweatshirt.

Second of all, even though he doesn’t quite like Taco Bell as much as I do, he does like it lot and I can’t really blame him seeing as how nobody in the world likes Taco Bell as much as I do.

Third of all, when I tell him I got a new exciting jewelry organizer on Amazon.com and that it totally changed my life because it freed my bathroom of clutter and helped me find long-lost earrings, and then I post a picture of said jewelry organizer on Facebook, he goes on Facebook and writes “Wow” in the comment section because he knows it will make me smile a lot.

Ya. He’s pretty great.

We’ve been dating for a little while now and stuff. And he makes me laugh whenever he brings up any of the 1,000 inside jokes we share. Also, he calls me every morning to say good morning and every single night before I go to sleep he tells me, “Sleep like an angel.”

I mean, ya, sometimes we argue or whatever, but we always talk it out and move on in like three seconds. It’s the talking it out that I truly love. Nothing lingers. Everything gets said. And sometimes, when I do that girl thing where I’m silent, but in my head I’m all, “He better ask me what’s wrong or I’m going to drive over and punch him,” and then he says, “What’s wrong?” and then I say, “Nothing,” he always knows something is actually wrong and then he makes me tell him and I love that.

He give great hugs. He plays Words with Friends really well, and even scored 536 points once. Also, he’s awesome at predicting which team will win football games. In fact, he’s so awesome at it that one time he won like $3,500 from a national contest for who could pick the most NFL games correctly during the season. He beat like 1 million other people to win that contest. True story.

He takes me to baseball games, and musicals, and lots and lots of movies.

He tells me I’m pretty, and that I’m beautiful, and he even says those things when I have no make-up on and I haven’t washed my hair in 48 hours and I’m on a mission trip.

Oh! And, of course, he’s a Christian. Duh. He goes to church every Sunday, and he prays before every single meal and when he got me a Pandora bracelet for Christmas he got me a Bible charm because he knows how important God is in my life.

He gets excited when I succeed. He laughs whenever I make a joke. And he always knows when to bring me flowers.

So in conclusion, I have a super awesome boyfriend. How lucky am I?

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All of our wrists are probably doomed.

My wrists are feeling better than they were. I mean, they’re not like “better” as in pain free or anything, but they’re on the mend for sure.

I’ve had three physical therapy appointments where I basically just sat with my wrists in huge heating blankets for 10 minutes or something and then the therapist used ultra sound therapy on my wrists.

And not like, “Oh, let’s just make sure there’s no alien living in your wrists to be on the safe side”-ultra sound therapy, but like the ultra sound rays or whatever are supposed to help them heal.

There’s not even a screen with an image of the inside of my wrists, which is kind of disappointing.

When I asked the dude what the ultra sound machine even did, he seriously said, “Nobody really knows.”

That was his answer. “Nobody really knows.”

But it doesn’t really matter I guess, because it does seems to be working.

I just have to stay pretty well medicated, and not use my wrists for anything at all ever for a little while longer. The prognosis is good after that. In fact, if I play my cards right, the whole thing could heal and I could be using my wrists for all sorts of activities by summer!

But, I need to tell you, as a sort of life warning, that for some reason, right now, in my current condition, doing anything on my super huge smart phone makes them throb.

Seriously. Throb. Like, “bum bump, bum bump, bum bump” with pain.

And I’m not saying tendinitis is definitely going to happen to you because you have a smart phone or anything, but you should probably be on guard for it. Maybe set it down every three hours or so, and cut back on the Words with Friends and Facebook.

Because I wouldn’t wish the pain I’ve been in the last few weeks on anyone.


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