i don’t think this makes me a bad person

ummm, i have a confession to make.

i haven’t done my taxes yet.

mostly I’m scared that I’ll have to pay $3 million (ish) to get them done because aside from my federal taxes, like four states are involved. (for those who don’t know, i lived in iowa, south dakota and wisconsin in 2008 and also lived in illinois while working in iowa).

my secret plan was to do an article for my paper about places to get taxes done free and then get my taxes done free and one of the places.

but i had a mistake about capital gains in the article and there was a ‘thing’ with the woman at the free tax center where she didn’t want to give me her name for the interview and i had to be kind of condesending to her (note: hey dorks, if you want a reporter to ever USE anything you give them, you have to give them you’re stupid name. dorks.).

i refuse to pay a private citizen to do ANYthing required of me by the government, so NO! I won’t be going to handrblock or jacksonhewitt or even janedoeaccounting.

this has all resulted in me not getting my taxes done.

my new plan is to suck it up and call the free tax center. and disguise my voice. and go by my middle name.

im thinking the lady probably forgot me anyway so it shouldn’t be a big deal. right?

UPDATE: umm, i think i just did my taxes with turbo tax online. except they told me to print something and i don’t have a printer, so that might be a problem later….

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you say couch potato, i say couch pot-a-to

umm, im kind of a loser so the only thing i have to write about right now is my new couch. This might be due to the fact that besides eating, peeing and working the only thing iv’e done since friday is sit on it. (I think i have a bit of a crush on my couch — or as i like to call him, brad (after pitt)).

I’ve watched a LOT of reality TV, seen the first 7 episodes of My Name is Earl (GREAT show btw), and listened to way too many CNN talking heads for my own good.

i WAS kind of worried that i was being lazy, but then i rationalized this away by telling myself that living for 5 months with only an air mattress was kind of like exercise, so i have some lounging to make up for. 

Mostly im just excited that when i watch TV i can sit back and lean on something while i do it. (it’s ok to be jealous.)

i even slept on my new couch because i don’t want to leave it during the night (i’m kind of protective that way.)

don’t worry, i’ll start being active again soon — like three, four days max.

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