Droid does.

I got a Droid X.



It can play Pandora music WHILE I surf the internet, it can tell me where to eat within a two mile radius of wherever I am, it can take HD video, it has an 8 mega pixle camera, it’s pretty, it synchs perfectly with all things Google, it has Swype texting (that’s tech talk, for THE COOLEST TEXTING EVER), it says DROID in a cool deep voice whenever I get a message, it’s pretty, it tells me what percent charged it is while I charge it, it makes phone calls, it can be a wireless hot spot, it’s pretty, and well, I’m sure it does approximately 3.7 million more things I haven’t figured out yet.

Sure, it loses battery power in like three minutes, but that’s only because I play with it all the time. And sure, I still can’t figure out how to get all my music on it, but that’s only because all my files are WMA. And ya, ya, ya, my right index finger is kind of sore from playing Bejeweled so much.

But whatever because THIS PHONE IS SO COOL.

Also, did I mention it’s pretty?

If you are currently in the market for a phone, all I’m going to say is that THIS phone will blow YOUR phone so far away that it’ll probably land in Hawaii. On the west coast.

You should probably be jealous of me now.

That is all.

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  1. Hey there Kathy! Sorry it’s taken me a hot minute to respond. The short answer is, my plan is expensive. I’d it’d probably cost you about $60 a month to have a droid, but that could vary depending on how many features you want to add on.
    Good luck!
    – Crystal

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