Hey there!

OMG, if you’re not a bears fan, I’m sorry but!

I don’t think they’re going to fire Lovie!

My friend Jeff at work, who always knows everything about sports like a psychic or something, explained it all to me, and he doesn’t think they’re going to fire him because of the stupid $11 million they’d have to pay him and really the team needs to spend that on a new offensive line, and Jeff was totally right about Rio getting the Olympics, so ya.


I’m so mad at him.

Lovie. Not Jeff.

It’s going to be so hard to trust him next year after the mess he led our team into this year.

“The 2009 Bears! Hey, at least we beat the Vikings that one time.”

Moving on, I have no pants.

Well, I have like one pair of black pants, but really, even though I bought them like a month ago – they’re too big. And I can’t even wear heels with them to make them look less “too big” because of my stupid ankle.

I used to just wear dark jeans to work hoping nobody would notice, but now umm, I can’t, and it is too darn cold to wear a skirt, so I have to get more pants. Back in the day (July) I thought shopping was lame because nothing ever fit me right, but now, I fit in appropriate sizes and let me tell you – shopping is still really freaking hard.


I should be out getting pants right now. I’m not.

And really, I need to just suck it up and buy the pants that are are size too small, but kind of fit and trust that I’ll eventually lose another 8 pounds (as had been my track record for the last five months) and then I will have pants that fit for a long time, but I’m scared I’ll jinx myself and never lose the next 8 pounds.

Oh, and also, why does nobody sell jewelry boxes?

I really need one because I have a bunch of earrings now and woah, do those things randomly get lost a lot. But I cannot find one anywhere and now I’m  going to have to go to Claire’s and it might have to be neon pink.

Oh and guess what?! My friend Krista has been moving her WordPress.com blog over to her own domain and she got this photo widget thing and then she told ME about it. And now I can send pictures to my blog with a TEXT MESSAGE!! YAY! (Look to your right under ‘Can you see me now.’).

I predict that this will mean many fun times for us. Also, if you read me on RSS, you should click on my actual site and look at my pictures. 🙂

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  1. I like buying jeans from the thrift store in Gurnee because they’re about $5 each for a pair of jeans.. with brand names. They are also usually new or gently used. I love that place.

  2. Big Lots and/or KMart might have jewelry boxes. I think I saw them at one or the other around Christmas. They weren’t ugly or expensive, either, and I almost thought of getting one. I have the same problem with earrings.

    I also have the same problem with pants because of my height and my hips. We should go shopping together.

  3. Lovie not getting fired… i feel like i stepped out of a time machine haha. I like your photo widget, and i hope the pants problem solves itself. Also, i hope some attentive person bought you that jewelry box of the non-neon pink variety.

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