i feel like crap

so a couple weeks ago, i was like ‘my throat hurts’ and my friends were all ‘eww, get away from me. you’re sick’

and four and a half days later i was like ‘my ear really hurts’ and my friends were all ‘oh, just blow cigarette smoke in it and it will feel better’ and i was all ‘hmm. no.’

and then finally today (Wednesday) i went to the d*mn doctor. because my ear was hurting super bad and i couldn’t really hear too much of anything that happened to the right of me. and my throat hurt so bad that i was spitting into a rag at night to avoid the pain of swallowing.

and the doctor was all ‘how long has it hurt?’ and i was like ‘since thursday.’ and he was all ‘THURSDAY!? why did’t you come in sooner?” and then i was all ‘because i hate going to the doctor.’ and he said ‘oh, don’t worry, so do i.”

and then the nice man gave me a prescription for some supa large pink pills. and told me that my ear infection was spreading into my throat so i need to make sure i take every single one.

wish me luck on getting better. and i promise to blog more when i don’t feel like crap and my hearing and swallowing abilities have been fully recovered.

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  1. I’m sorry…it is going around. My eldest child who calls himself my husband has the same thing. Excpet he IS thisclose to death.
    just started with the sore throat. However, this will not keep my crew from Johnny watching in Chicago.

  2. It took me three weeks to get over whatever sickness I have. But I have no immune system. However, I just want to go on the record, I believe I told you to go to the doctor. 🙂

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