holy crap. where the frick did the last 10 years go?
i remember wondering what her voice would sound like. and crouching on the floor while she laid on a single couch cushion the week she was born waiting for her to blink because HOLY COW I FINALLY HAD A SISTER!!
and now she’s TEN! I swear to candles that it’s been like a minute since that girl was born.
per tradition in my family, we hosted a sleep over to honor of her big day. and she got to invite a crap load of people, nine of whom showed up.
Yes, that’s 10 girls, in one night.
my theory on hosting that many hot-tempered ten-year-olds can be summed up in two simple words: ORGANIZED ACTIVITY.
we did the tennis-ball-under-the-chin relay, egg toss, sardines (the game, not the food), a taco bar (the food, not the game), gray wolf, cake, presents, glow-in-the-dark hot potato, pass the story and then ended it all with with sleeping bags pointed toward a showing of “Adventures in babysitting.” (the movie).
i’d like to think the point where one of the guests turned to my sister and said “I’M HAVING A REALLY FUN TIME” solidified the fact that i rock at hosting little-girl tween parties.
i only hope her 20th birthday is half as fun, and her next 10 years are half as awesome.
i love you sis. for real.
I tried to watch “Adventures in Babysitting” once. Anthony Rapp is in it and he went on to be in “Rent”, which you know, I love. But this “Babysitting” moving didn’t hold my attention quite the same. Maybe I would have liked it more if I’d had been watching it at a ‘tween b-day party instead of alone.
ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING IS AWESOME! I had to put that in caps because I recently bought that movie for $5 at Wal-Mart and it made me oh-so-happy. I used to watch it non-stop when I was a kid.
I have never heard of any of those games. Well, I think I know what an egg toss is and I can guess as to how the tennis ball under the chin thing works. Gray wolf sounds like fun, because there is a wolf in it. Also, I now wish I had made tacos for dinner.