so, so, so, so much to learn

because i have visions of fame, google ad revenue and quitting my day job dancing in my head, i finally got my own url.

(drum roll please)


is. (hat tip scvegan for the inspiration. and also to my lovely co-worker who helped me buy it) (I’m not sure if she wants her name in my blog, so we’ll just continue to call her ‘lovely co-worker’).i have even installed wordpress on it. go ahead. take a look.

ok. you’re back? well you may have notice that I haven’t done anything else. that’d be because I have NO IDEA what i need to do now. im feeling pretty good about myself for getting this far though, so there’s that.

in conclusion, setting up the new site is going to take some time, so be patient. but i promise to let you know asap when it’s up and running and I’ll keep you posted on my progress.

and for those of you who don’t know me very well, the name is inspired by the fact that i literally eat at taco bell every day (no. im not misusing literally here. i really do). and i almost always order the seven layer burrito. and even when i was vegan, i ordered it without cheese and sour cream. (therefore making it a five-layer burrito). anyway, if you’ve never tried one, you should. because they rock.

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  1. Oh, how I miss you traipsing up the stairs with Taco Bell wafting behind you! Hope Chi-Town is treating you well! 🙂 (P.S. I just came upon “Ed Wood” at the video store and immediately thought of you.)

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