so, after searching for like 32 hours for a photo plugin for my site, i think i might finally be onto something. i’ve uploaded fotobook, which brings in all my facebook photos. this is especially exciting because i can download facebook photos from my crackberry, so it should be easy to get new photos on this site.
i still want to make some tweaks to it, but for now you can find my facebook photos by clicking on the “Photos” page on the top of the site. I’ve also set up the widget, which will display random photos on the sidebar, which you can find on the right of this site (or the bottom if you read me on your phone). fun times.
im still hoping to find a plugin that gives me a calendar template and lets me upload photos to each day, (like this) which of course would create a “daily photo” — my ultimate goal.
for now though, enjoy the facebook photos.