Thoughts on the bears (now that my tears have dried).

Last night as I sat in my cold car praying for a miracle from God above while Bears Radio 780 slowly drained my car battery and a half-tear lingered on my eye lashes. With no TV where I’m at, I had to settle for play-by-play and the last two minutes of the game were hard to hear.

“Cutler throws the ball.”


Frick. Frick. Frick. Frick. Frick. Frick.

I keep telling everyone that I’m going to jump on the Saint’s Bandwagon. I say that I’m giving up on the Bears until fall 2010 and then I talk about how I’d like to follow a team that actually wins for once.

But the truth is, I can’t abandon my team.

I love my team.

I love the blue and orange. I love Robbie Gould.  I love the outdoor stadium. And I love that on a clear day in Chicagoland, you can feel the love for the Bears all around.

Most of all though, I love believing that no matter the score, no matter the time clock, the Bears have the heart to always, always, always pull it off.

Or at least they used to.

I actually do kinda feel sorry for Jay Cutler. I mean, how was he supposed to know Chicago has a Quarterback Curse? Or that he was going to be the only offensive player aside from Gould who doesn’t totally suck, and that Gould doesn’t have the bothersome task of working with a bunch of people who totally suck to accomplish his goal?

I want to give him a hug. And then I want to tell him that he’s part of Chicagoland (at least for now) so I’m not going to give up yet, but maybe it wouldn’t hurt if he got his night vision checked – just to be sure.

Lovie Smith, on the other hand, I’d like to be a little harder on. I’ll stand behind his calm sense of authority for now, but maybe, at the next press conference, he could just say ‘You know what, we’re sucking right now. I don’t want us to suck. You guys don’t want us to suck and so, we’re going to try our best to not suck next weekend,’ and then throw a table and some microphones over for good measure – so we can see he cares.

Next week against the Vikings is going to be painful. Nobody is denying that. But then we play the Rams, at home (!), during peak daylight hours (!!). They seem to suck worse than us (they’re 1-9), so maybe we can get our groove back then.

And eventually, one day, possibly, with a little prayer and Red Bull, we can figure out what an offensive line is and go from there.

Here’s hoping for an 8 and 8 season yet.

Or at least 7 and 9.

Oh. Well, umm 6 and 10? You have to at least give us 6 and 10.


5 and 11.

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