youth group leader’s oath

I promise to:

never, ever take a student for granted.

always have a back-up plan and a back-up can of whip cream.

have every student’s phone number in my cell phone.

never judge a student by their appearance, age, or parents.

pray for every student, every night.

pray for me every night.

Facebook stalk all the youth with messages, pokes and wall postings.

order pizza at least once a month.

remember how awful it can be to be a teenager.

remember how awesome it can be to be a teenager.

always get to events at least 10 minutes early.

keep the parents informed, but not too informed.

try as hard as I can with every student, every time.

ask for help.

always put God first.

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  1. Great lesson plan!!!
    I would add ask others to pray for you and all youth for that matter, because you and they need it.
    God bless

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