a very, special episode of crystal sue

so back in the day, when i was 14, my mom started dating the neighbor guy.

his name was luis.

and he was awful.

he beat up my mom.

and threatened me and my siblings.

and he scared the shit out of me.

but i was 14, so i don’t think i really knew what the heck was going on.

i remember hating my mom at the time.

i remember wishing he were dead, and then hating myself for having that thought.

i remember wishing i was normal, with a normal family.

and i also remember the day luis killed himself.

actually, i guess it would technically be the day after he killed himself, because i didn’t get the phone call until the next morning.

i was still in braces. and i was at a sleep over at my friend heather’s house.

i was sitting at her kitchen table.

and i think it was my great aunt who told me.

he had hung himself (in jail no less).

and i remember that i didn’t cry.

and i remember hating my mom when she would make me go to the cemetery with her in the months that followed.

and she’d get so upset at his grave, and i’d wonder why she seemed to care more about this guy than me and my siblings, who she had left.

and then, when i was 19, my highschool-boyfriend Bob died of a drug over dose.

and it was awful.

i remember that when i found out i feel to the ground because i couldn’t control my body.

and my mom was there for me. she sympathized with me like few other people could.  

but i still don’t remember having any sympathy for her.

and tomorrow (Friday) is the tenth anniversary of Luis’ death.

and i don’t care.

im not sure if that makes me a bad person.

but i think sometimes, when bad people die, it’s ok not to care.

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seriously, starting over sucks no matter how it goes down

here’s my confession.

when i was younger i wanted attention. ha. ha. ha. ha.

oh. wait.

THAT’s not my confession. that’s HER confession.

MY confession is:

i dont REALLY like doing EVERYTHING alone.

ya. i pretend that I LOVE going to the movies solo. and that shopping by myself is WAY better. and that i LIKE the quiet i get when i eat alone at chipotle.

but it’s basically all lies.

true story.

so, even though i’ve started a new job like 34 times in the past month, it’s still hard to move and make new friends.

don’t get me wrong, i heart my new employer. it just sucks trying to hang out with the janitor out of desperation.

really. sucks. 

im sitting here alone on a sunday afternoon. blogging. while pretty woman plays on TNT. 

can we say ‘los-er?’

the thing is, i had JUST started making good friends in oshkosh b’gosh when i decided to pack up and move again.

so this is all basically my fault.


just so you know that i do have every intention of fixing this, my new life plan includes becoming very, very, very rich. buying an island. and making all my friends come live with me on it.

actually. screw that.

i really just need one person (if he’s the right person.)

everyone else can visit at their discretion.

bottom line: i want my life to be like a kenny chesney video, or at least a cool pepsi ad.

that’s pretty realistic. right?

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