she totally would call me her bff now.

yesterday, there i was sitting at home like a loser who hates showers watching Deadwood epidoes on DVD when an unknown number popped up on my cell. and i’m not going to lie, i didn’t answer it. but then, it came up again and i thought ‘well, if it’s that dentist in South Dakota calling me on a Sunday to remind me i still owe her $130 for a filling, i can always just hang up.’ but it wasn’t that dentist. it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

holy crap!

after the usual pleasantries (i.e. them: sorry i didn’t get back to you yesterday, we were really busy, me: that’s ok) the press person said ‘I’m going to have some time with the senator in about an hour if you’d like to do a one-on-one phone interview with her.


don’t worry, I played it cool — i was all ‘ya, i think i can do that.’

then. i immediately started taking off my pj’s and putting on regular clothes. rushed around looking for my broken glasses, used some deodorant and even brushed my teeth so i could go to work. that took about three, maybe four seconds.

i grabbed all my stuff and ran through a quarter-mile of foot-high snow to get to my car. (did i mention the winter storm we had yesterday). alas, when i got to my car, i realized there was about a foot of snow that needed to be scraped off and UNDER THAT there was an inch of solid ice that needed to be scraped through. an inch. and my razor-sharp (i use the term loosely) scrapper just wasn’t in the mood for it. so i only scrapped off an 2-inch by 2-inch section on the passenger side. let’s just say, that was a stupid idea.

the whole ride to work (through the blizzard) i was basically just praying that tomorrow’s paper didn’t read ‘REPORTER DIES TRYING TO INTERVIEW CLINTON’ while i gripped the steering wheel with both hands. thankfully, i made it ok.

I got to work in time for the arranged interview and then — it was delayed. which was cool, because that gave me an additional 30 minutes to be nervous.

When i finally got her on the phone, i was all ‘why is wisconsin important’ and she was all ‘i heart wisconsin.’ (or something like that) and we talked for 15 minutes. THAT’S RIGHT, I TALKED ONE-ON-ONE WITH HILLARY CLINTON FOR 15 MINUTES and then,  i wrote this article.

and that’s the story of how hillary and i became bff. just in case you were wondering.

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you’d think i’d like a holiday centered on chocolate

i remember Feb. 14, 1993 vividly. i wore pink tights and a red shirt and a red sweater and a pink plaid skirt and because it was valentine’s day — it totally matched. i remember it was a sunday. i remember thinking i NEEDED tradition and sans a school party (with its mass-produced perforated cards and cheap red suckers) the clothes were the best i could to. i remember going to the Addison Public Library and thinking wishing i looked totally AWESOME in my outfit as i browsed the young adult paperback book rack. i remember knowing (in my valentine’s day appropriate heart of hearts) that my outfit totally didn’t match. i remember wishing it were a school day so i could give SOMEONE a freaking mass-produced perforated card.

i think it was the first valentine’s day that didn’t quite live up to my expectations.

valentine’s day eve 2008: i’m about to go to sleep in my white pajama pants, with red and pink stripes and a red tank top, because it’s a holiday and i NEED tradition. and YES, we got a mass-produced perforated card at our company pep rally today ( i know i thought we left the pep rallies in high school too), but the company love just felt so one-dimensional. i need more. 

and yes, i do sort of kind of like this one boy, but our relationship would be classified as ‘it’s complicated’ on facebook, if i was the kind of girl who updated that sort of thing. so it’s not like he and i will be getting married any time soon. despite that, this boy and i WERE supposed to see each other tomorrow (on this stupid holiday) but because Snow hates me, Snow ruined our plans.

and he (the boy, not my mortal enemy Snow) even got me a card (from what i understand it wasn’t even perforated) and i REALLY wanted to read it in person, but instead i had to settle for him reading it to me over a bad connection between my verizon phone and his u.s. cellular field phone.

so this year it looks like i’ll be spending this stupid holiday with Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap( and if i feel like donating $38 to our state highways) the Wisconsin DMV.

it’s cool. whatever. i’ll probably just wear pink or something.

UPDATE: for the two of you who might notice, I’m not sure why this is posting in times new roman font, but im tired, so i’ll address it in the morning. if any of you wordpress* know-it-alls (meant in a good way) can tell me how to change that, let me know. * fixed it. 

*note: wordpress spell check doesn’t recognize wordpress. and it’s not a capitalization issue. i checked.

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you’d think i’d like a holiday centered on chocolate

i remember Feb. 14, 1993 vividly. i wore pink tights and a red shirt and a red sweater and a pink plaid skirt and because it was valentine’s day — it totally matched. i remember it was a sunday. i remember thinking i NEEDED tradition and sans a school party (with its mass-produced perforated cards and cheap red suckers) the clothes were the best i could to. i remember going to the Addison Public Library and thinking wishing i looked totally AWESOME in my outfit as i browsed the young adult paperback book rack. i remember knowing (in my valentine’s day appropriate heart of hearts) that my outfit totally didn’t match. i remember wishing it were a school day so i could give SOMEONE a freaking mass-produced perforated card.

i think it was the first valentine’s day that didn’t quite live up to my expectations.

valentine’s day eve 2008: i’m about to go to sleep in my white pajama pants, with red and pink stripes and a red tank top, because it’s a holiday and i NEED tradition. and YES, we got a mass-produced perforated card at our company pep rally today ( i know i thought we left the pep rallies in high school too), but the company love just felt so one-dimensional. i need more. 

and yes, i do sort of kind of like this one boy, but our relationship would be classified as ‘it’s complicated’ on facebook, if i was the kind of girl who updated that sort of thing. so it’s not like he and i will be getting married any time soon. despite that, this boy and i WERE supposed to see each other tomorrow (on this stupid holiday) but because Snow hates me, Snow ruined our plans.

and he (the boy, not my mortal enemy Snow) even got me a card (from what i understand it wasn’t even perforated) and i REALLY wanted to read it in person, but instead i had to settle for him reading it to me over a bad connection between my verizon phone and his u.s. cellular field phone.

so this year it looks like i’ll be spending this stupid holiday with Laundry Detergent, Dish Soap( and if i feel like donating $38 to our state highways) the Wisconsin DMV.

it’s cool. whatever. i’ll probably just wear pink or something.

UPDATE: for the two of you who might notice, I’m not sure why this is posting in times new roman font, but im tired, so i’ll address it in the morning. if any of you wordpress* know-it-alls (meant in a good way) can tell me how to change that, let me know. * fixed it. 

*note: wordpress spell check doesn’t recognize wordpress. and it’s not a capitalization issue. i checked.

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