frick im tired.

so you’re proably all ‘where the heck have you been GIRL?!’

im sorry I haven’t been posting. The problem is, when I go to post, I get frustrated that I haven’t quite designed this blog yet. But I’m always too tired to figure out how to do it, so instead of even logging in, i just give up.

anyway, here I am. The blog is still design free (aside from the purple and pink thing I figured out at the top), but I’ve given in and decided to post regardless.

for those of you keeping track, i did in fact go to the doctor this week. and it wasn’t the end of the world that i thought it was going to be.

this is how i pictured it going:

me: so. my stomach has been hurting.

the doctor: oh. ya. you’re dying. did nobody tell you that? well, we’ll just try to make you as comfortable as possible.


me: so. my stomach has been hurting.

the doctor: oh. ya. right. sure it has. well you just rest your head here and take this little pill (hands me a flinstone vitamin). there. all better? that’ll be $7,549 dollars. Thanks.

But instead, the doctor let me blab for like a half hour about every. single. detail of my symptoms and then made some thoughtful points. as it stands i have to get an ultrasound on my gallbladder done next week, while i simultaneously take an acid-blocker to fight off possible gastritis.

all of that sounds just fine and dandy. except that if nothing works or turns up anything. well.


oh man.


then, i have to let some quack put a camera down my throat and into my stomach.

i have been assured that this test hardly hurts and that when I wake up from the half-sleep (called ‘twilglight for which i can only assume are pr purposes) I’ll hardly remember a thing.

umm. HALF-SLEEP. WTF? I don’t want to be HALF asleep when i gag to near death. i want to be out. jebus!

anywho. im hoping I’ll never have to worry my pretty little head about such matters, because im the problem will just fix itself. (see also: crystal’s attitude toward car problems).however, my worries have not yet dwindled. you see, my lovely roommate has told me that if the problem is in fact my gall bladder it might have to be taken out.

threw my belly button.


yes. apparently, THAT’S what that’s there for. so that when I’m 25 the doctor’s can go in and suck out my organs.


there you have it. you’re officially updated on my life. did you miss me?

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i feel like i got beat up. and even though the stabbing stomach pain is gone, i still feel like crap.

yesterday, there i was walking black jack (the dog, not the card) when my stomach started to hurt. again.

and i was all, ‘it’ll probably go away’ and i strolled off to the evening activities at church. but i didn’t go away.

at all.

actually it just got much worse. and when i came home my roommate was all ‘is the same thing as last time?’ and i said ‘yes.’ and she said ‘well why don’t you take the prescription you have.’ and i said ‘oh, that? i kinda never got that filled.’

and she was all “WHAT?! GO GET IT FILLED RIGHT NOW.”

so i did.

but it didn’t help with the pain. and i went upstairs to my bedroom to cry and pace and pray. but nothing worked. so after some careful consideration and the feeling that death was near, i sucked it up and asked my roommate to take me to the hospital.

and she took one look at me (later she would describe my face as completely pale and my eyes completely dark) and said ‘let’s go.’

on the way there I sat in every possible position i could find in the front seat trying to get comfortable while still wearing my seat belt and she tried not to make eye contact as i told her if labor is worse than this im never having kids.

when i got into the hospital, i signed away my life and asked for a throw-up bucket. (which, my roommate described as one step above a solo cup). then i threw up. and i swear to you i tried my best to get it all in the cup or the toilet. but i might have missed a bit and gotten some on the floor. so my poor roommate alerted the nurses, who responded by acting like people throw up in the emergency room waiting area bathroom every day.

i promptly got another throw up cup.

and threw up in it.

and i thought i was being all coy about the whole throwing up thing, seeing as how i had made it past the bathroom door both times, but i later realized that the room was not, shall we say, soundproof.

aside from the audible gagging, i succeeded in making everyone in the waiting room uncomfortable, as i repeatedly mumbled, ‘i think im going to die. what if i die before the election? i don’t want to die. im probably going to die while i wait for them to call my name. i don’t want to die.”

my roommate tried her best to be supportive by saying things like ‘i looked at the chart in the nurses area and it says that if you describe your pain as a 7 or above they have to treat you immediately. but you described yours as ‘a six or seven’ do you want me to go tell them that it is now an 8?’

me: ‘no. that’s ok.’

and then, about an hour later, i finally got into the see the doctor. well, actually the nurse. the doctor took MUCH longer to find his way to my room. but the nurse gave me an iv (during which my roommate let me squeeze her hand). and then i started feeling better. but my roommate was all ‘i think we’ve established that even though you feel better, you are not actually better.’ and i was all, ‘oh. ya. right.’

and then the doctor strolled in, totally ignored my in-depth description of my stomach pain and proceeded to reiterate that i have gastritis. and then he told me I HAVE to go see a regular doctor (note to readers: stop yelling at me. i already have an appointment for a week from Wednesday).

and then my roommate drove me home. and even though she had to work in the morning, she promptly googled gastritis. and made sure i wasn’t going to die overnight or anything.

and then she went to sleep. and the next day she was totally cool about the whole thing, claiming she wasn’t tired at all. and i believed her.

until i saw her taking a nap on her lunch break.

and that’s how you know she’s awesome. because even though she couldn’t keep her eyes open, she never once complained about taking me to the hospital. she just sucked it and did it. and then did her best to not let me die before the election.

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loving the roomie

yesterday there i was chillin like an awesome person at applebee’s with a reporter friend, when this guy i know shoots me an e-mail.

which i of course read on my crackberry. (see: addicted to phone).

but it’s not the best of e-mails. (let’s just say, one of the lines was: “I’m going to have to commit to just being friends with you right now.”)



this is the kind of thing that can ruin a girl’s fettuccine. (which it did).

but I pulled myself together long enough to pretend like I hadn’t just gotten a totally awful e-mail, I finished my dinner and my night and found myself in my car.

and I cried.

and I didn’t think I would cry about an e-mail like this from this particular guy, but i guess it was the finality of the whole thing. and i was worried that I was going to cry myself to sleep that night. while i consider the fact that i will never have children. or a husband. or be happy. and that nobody will ever love me.

but when i got home, my awesome roommate was there.

and i told her about the e-mail. and she let me vent. and then she totally sat on the couch with me while we called said guy a schmuck, while thinking of reasons I’m too awesome for him anyway.

and i felt better.

so here’s to my new roommate!

go you.

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