ok. so seriously, what the crap is up with super scary movies being advertised on my freaking TV?
right in the middle of a freaking Scrubs rerun on WGN?
(im going to link to the preview here, but seriously, do not watch it unless you want to be SCARED out of your mind).
The commercial clearly shows a young 20-something couple getting TERROR.IZED. by random people wearing scary masks.
I held my hands over my eyes during the ad, but i think there was even a section of the commercial where the victim says something like ‘why are you doing this to us?’ and the apparent murderer responds with ‘because you were home.’
umm, how freaking scary is that?
great. now i get to imagine random people in masks killing me tonight. and when i wonder why, i’ll just think ‘oh, it must have been because i was home, duh.’
umm, i’ll have you people know that it took me WEEKS to get up the courage to watch “from hell” and “the legend of sleepy hollow” because the dvd covers were mostly black and i therefore assumed they were scary (they weren’t). and both THOSE movies have JOHNNY DEPP in them. (who i love, in case you forgot.) so why the heck would any one, any where think i would want to see a preview for “The Strangers” on my safe little TV in my safe little bedroom during a safe little episode of scrubs?
These scary movie previews are ruining america. people like ME are losing precious sleep over these stupid previews and then when im cranky tomorrow, nobody will even CARE that im too scared to turn off my lights.
I care. I really do.
Did they raise the volume of the commercials too? Sometimes they do that for added shock.
I don’t get why peopke go see scary movies. Do they like to be pee themselves in fear or be covered in cold sweat? And why all the stupid slasher films? That’s not scary (Ok bad choice of words) it’s just gross! Jaws was a good movie to scare people. They put in enough dialogue and stuff to make the scary parts seem more frightening, but if you just watch the scary parts without the music, it’s just a stupid fake shark head swallowing some actor, which makes you able to sleep. I’ve seen that commercial. The whole masked killer premise has been beat to death! Come on people, try something new!
Maybe people like you need to be scared.
Get over your fears, hunny.