random thoughts

1. I have been wearing my right contact for WAY too long. But for some crazy reason, I only have two right-eye contacts left despite the FIVE 5 left-eye contacts i have (no. i don’t know how i got all uneven, but I’m going to go ahead and blame it on the eye-scratch i got over the summer) (why? because it’s the only thing i can come up with). Anyway, I don’t want to switch it out for a new one yet. Instead, at night, I just close my right eye when trying to read neon signs as a means of keeping the blur factor down.

2. Seriously, it gets dark at like noon now. WTF? All i want to do is sleep and watch primetime, but then I realize that i have like 6 hours of work in front of me. Winter sucks. (Although I AM happy that there seems to be less snow so far this year.).

3. While we’re on the topic of winter, I’m pretty sure my car hates the season. the other day my friend was all “that’s your CAR making that noise? I thought it was the city’s tornado drill.” I should probably get it fixed, but I’m scared it’s going to cost me my life savings. instead, i will just continue to believe that either a. god will fix it or b. it will fix itself.

4. for those of you who don’t stalk me on facebook and therefore don’t already know this, i dyed my hair supa dark this weekend in honor of winter. (see pic below). also, call me crazy, but i really do think the black hair makes my head look thinner.

i know i need to get my bangs cut. but what do you think of the COLOR?
i know i need to get my bangs cut. but what do you think of the COLOR?

5. I joined match.com. yeppers, I did. and it’s going well so far. but if i get murdered and thrown in a ditch sometime soon, be sure to tell the cops about the guys on my ‘favorites’ list, because it was probably one of them.

6. I KNOW that i still need to design this site, but the problem is I can’t figure out how directorys work and i have a sneaky suspicion that i do in fact need to download something from wordpress.org onto a desktop.

seeing as how i don’t have a desktop, i’ve instead decided to avoid the problem for the near future. there is hope though, because i plan to get a laptop during one of those day after thanksgiving sales. (yes, I KNOW i should spend the money on my car instead. but you want me to BLOG don’t you? don’t you!)

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  1. November 21, 2008 at 3:29 pm
    SCVegan wrote:

    In regards to the problem with your car, it is not very realistic to expect the problem to fix itself or G-d to fix it for you.

    However, I find magic to be especially reliable. Your car will be fixed with MAGIC! Sort of like the magic that allows birds to fly or what makes soda pop so fizzy.

    aha I remember now. Magic makes me laugh. Nice picture by the way. I like how the background makes your living room look like you have just been robbed. You know, because there is no stuff in there.

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