so the weather in wisconsin is kinda crazy

i would just like to take this moment to remind everyone that when i interviewed for my current job in wisconsin it was like 80 degrees.

in october.

PEOPLE! it’s the d*mn reason i moved here. that, and the pay raise. but the weather and the pay raise were seriously equal partners in my decision.

and then i got here a measly three weeks later and it snowed everyday for 7 months straight.

and that totally sucked.

but when June came i thought it was in the clear.

i wasn’t.

turns out they get MASSIVE RAINS here. i mean M.A.S.S.I.V.E. massive.

and then, when things start to dry out, you think ‘maybe i can sleep with my window open tonight, seing as how it’s summer and dry out.’

that would be a stupid thought though, because apparently despite the area’s June month, it gets d*mn cold here at night.

and now my throat hurts.

and im applying for jobs in mexico while practicing my spanish on my lunch breaks. seriously. i NEED to be somewhere warmer.

wish me luck. or as they say in espanol: wish me buena suerte.

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