it’s not like i can go around ignoring a news peg like Mother’s Day. I’m a REPORTER people. so i will now take this opportunity to mention few specific things that make my mom rock.
- she always gives me $10 $20 $50 in gas money when i visit.
- she loves great america as much as i do.
- and water parks.
- she never pressures me to give her grandkids.
- she always pays when we go out for dinner.
- she helps me move like three times a year, even after all my other family members disown me.
- speaking of helping me move, when i got a job in south dakota, she didn’t even blink when i needed her to drive 15 hours in -80 degree weather across half the country to the mount rushmore state.
- im 25, but she still pays my cell phone bill.
- when i date losers, she gives me the space to figure it out by myself.
- she buys tofurky when i visit and even tells me she LIKES the way it taste.
- while we’re talking about tofurky, she has NEVER discouraged my veganism.
- she’s my biggest fan.
- when we fight, we always make up.
- she reads my twitter even though she barely knows what twitter is.
- she laughs at all my jokes
- she’s my mom.