im sitting at home watching the movie titanic on in case you’re trying to do the math in your head, i was in fact its EXACT target market when it came out -14 years old and a freshman in high school. and holy crap did it solidify my true love for leonardo. see, what happened was i had developed a small crush after seeing in him in Romeo and Juliet, but that came out when i like 11, so at the time i didn’t even know my feelings were a crush.
don’t worry though. by the time i was 14, i KNEW what love felt like. and i spent $7 like 5 times to go see the three-and-a-half-hour movie at the local Lowes Ciniplex, which a. was walking distance from my house, and thereby perfect for a 14 year old, and b. has since turned into some sort of muslim church. true story, my friend’s dad didn’t realize this and attempted to take a date there once. he figured out was was happening when he walked in to the former lobby and saw that pop corn was not, in fact, on sale.
ok. back to titanic. i made all three of my friends see it with me. multiple times. and then i cried EVERY.TIME. and explained to everyone that this was THE BEST MOVIE EVER. PEOPLE!
and yes, the movie may have done some permanent damage by convincing me that money isn’t important, despite the fact that it is. and that poor guys are sexy. and these two things may have not only led to my tragic career choice, (where i make no money) but also to my many tragic dating choices. sigh. it’s just SUCH a good movie though.
i will now rekindle your undoubted love for this movie, by explaining some of my favorite parts:
1. when rose says she bought Picasso paintings, and her stupid idiot finance says Picasso is lame and will never amount to anything.
2. when leo (jack) saves rose who’s planning to kill herself by jumping off the boat. (i do close my eyes here though, because i always think that THIS time, he won’t be able to pull her back on the ship and she’ll die). and rose says, “you’re distracting me. go away.” and leo says, “i can’t. im involved now.” (le sigh. he is SO cute). and rose says “you’re crazy.” and then leo says “that’s what everybody says, but with all do respect miss. im not the one hanging off the back of a ship here.”
3. When rose gives leo’s last name as her own at the end.
4. when leo teaches rose how to spit like a man.
5. when leo gives rose a note after dinner. im always worried that after the dinner, they might never get the chance to see each other again. alas, he was on top of things though and able to borrow a pen.
6. when rose’s stupid fiancee tries to buy his way onto one of the life boats and someone tells him that money is no longer important.
7. when the stupid idiot who built the ship is talking about how big it is, and then rose says “do you know of dr. Freud? … His ideas about the male’s preoccupation with size might be of particular interest to you.” and the idiot says “Freud, who is he? a passenger of the ship?”
8. basically the whole move.
When the Russians blow up half the ship because it has a damaged nuclear reactor…. wait…. which movie are we talking about…?
I got Titanic from Netflix a couple months ago. My husband almost never watches my Netflix movies with me, but when I turned this on, he sat and watched the entire thing with me and even commented on how much he liked it. See? It’s so good not only do 14-year-old girls like it, but grown men like it too.
DUDE!!! No spoilers.