: ) enough said.

seriously, I am so happy right now. 

not like, ‘i-just-met-johnny-depp‘ happy. more like ‘i-finally feel-content’ happy. 

today, i got ready in my VERY OWN bathroom. and NOBODY made me put my hair dryer away after I was done with it. 


it’s just hanging there attached to the outlet as we speak.

then i folded my laundry that i had left in the dryer overnight. i can do that now, because I don’t have to go down to an apartment complex laundry facility in the basement to wash my clothes. instead i can wash them just.down.the.hall. 

THEN i went out through the attached garage. 

i have NEVER in my entire life lived in a place with an attached garage. i had always assumed only rich people had these. apparently this is how the other half has been living. 

THEN i noticed that FALL IS HERE! MY absolute favorite season! cold without snow. heaven.

you are not going to believe what happened next though. 

i drove to work. 

and it only took me 16 MINUTES. 

people! that’s about 1 hour and 14 minutes LESS than the commute i used to do. 

what the heck am i going to do with all this extra time? (blog?)

in conclusion, im pretty freaking happy right now. 

(apologizes if this post makes you want to gag because im too happy, but seeing as how i can’t stop smiling i don’t really care).

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bloggin bout blogs

so my very awesome new co-worker is about six seconds younger than me, which means she’s about 5 light years ahead of me in technology.

she’s been telling me about all sorts of cool things, (google reader, html) since i met her two months ago.

recently though, she changed me life when she pointed me toward THIS blog.

it’s written by a woman named penelope trunk. (i’m pretty sure she stole her name from my car).



and i’ve linked to it on my blog roll (See right-hand column).

and i’ve found myself sending posts to people i know.

and then i just decided to write about it here.

and tell you guys to read it.

all of it.

every post.

go now.

because it rocks.

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are there D-list politicians?

i’m not going to pretend like I remember bill clinton playing his sax on arsenio hall.

but I’ve taken enough political science classes (see: crystal’s undergrad major) to know that it was a turning point not only in presidential elections, but also pop culture.

I picture millions of people saying: WHAT? presidents are PEO.PLE? they like TALK SHOWS? weird.

skip to 2008 and not only are presidential candidates people, they’re gossip blog fotter.

Perez hilton’s dishing about Sarah Palin having a pregnant 17-year-old daughter. clinton’s convention speech was mentioned on pop crunch. and edwards’ affair was EVERYWHERE.

isn’t that the kind of news reserved to add a little spunk to boring political web sites like time.com? or cnn?

im just sayin. maybe someone should look in to this whole internet/blog thing.

i think it’s going to be big.

it might even start changing how we elect our next president.


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