I’m having one of those weeks where it takes every single ounce of will power left in my bones to drive past Taco Bell on my way home at night.
One of those weeks were my job is hard, church is hard, life is hard, and my days are so jam packed that they seem to run into each other like pudding.
One of those weeks where I get home, throw my coat on the floor, poke out my contacts, flop into my bed and talk to my mattress like I’m on an IKEA commercial.
One of those weeks where I’m too tired to even bother crying from the stress of it all. And blogging requires all the slivers of energy I have left. And I want to write about how much I hate everything and everyone, but all those things and ones probably read this.
One of those weeks where spring cannot get here fast enough. And every single Taylor Swift song on the radio annoys the crap out of me. And I don’t even have time to read about the TV I don’t have time to watch.
One of those weeks that cannot end fast enough even if it ended yesterday.
I’m having one of those weeks. And it’s still mostly Monday.