accomplishments today: 2.5

so, while ‘other’ people where oh umm, getting closer to the presidency, birthing or celebrating 38 years of life, i pretty much did nada today (sigh).

sure, sure, i baked some vegan chocolate chip cookies (which didn’t suck), finished up some dishes, tried to hang fabric over my wall-length mirrors (i say ‘tried’ because i had to give up on that when i decided it was a two-person job), went for a walk (complete with ankle weights), and watched TWO movies as well as a Living Single marathon on WE TV — i pretty much feel like a lump on my (super awesome) couch today.

you know, compared to these ‘other’ people.

don’t get me wrong, i do have a few things to show for my actions.

1. a new celebrity crush (antonio banderas).

2. stronger calves (but just barely)


3. clean dishes

but i just feel like i wasted away june 3, 2008.

im going to go ahead and justify it by pointing out that i will be working the next TEN days in a row.

but even so, i feel pretty lame.

and p.s. GO CANDIDATE X!


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re: im scared

editor’s note: umm. ya. i guess just make sure you read the updates. otherwise this post makes no sense.

ok. ok. i changed my design. what do you guys think? if you really, really hate it, tell me bc it’s fairly easy to change. i didn’t get a ‘home’ link, but just like before, you can click on the blog’s title to go ‘home.’

One really cool thing about this design is that is shows my tag line under my title: ‘because writing is hard.’ before it was only visible on my dashboard.

another obvious plus is that my widgets no longer only appear on capital letters.

UPDATE: ya. im not really sure if i like it. … im flirting with some other designs. stay tuned.

UPDATE: ok. this is the design i really WANT to use, but im scared people will say things like ‘i don’t like reading white text on a black background.’ if that’s you’re beef, speak now or forever hold your peace.

also, it doesn’t list tags and categories under posts, but you can still search via those things on my side bar.

and beware. i might change it in like 7 seconds.

i have problems with commitment

UPDATE: seriously. this commitment problem i have is probably the reason im single. anyway, i changed it again. this one is eastier to read.

what do you guys think?

beware — it might get tweaked.

AND YES, it IS just a modified version of this girl’s blog. and this girls blog. but both those girls are super good writers (seriously, they are. you should go read them right now.) so maybe this theme will help me be as cool as they are.


plus, maybe both of them picked it because it’s the ONLY one that has everything a girl could want in a blog theme (a “home” link, non-capitalized widgets, a viewable tag line. etc.).


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i wish i lived in a city … and had $3x

go see this moive. right now.

drop whatever you are doing and go see ‘sex and the city’ right this second.

because it is THE best movie ever made.


i love it. i love it. i love it. i love it. i love it. i love it. i love it.

and just to get this out of the way: if you’re thinking ‘crystal, who did you go see it with?’ the answer is me. myself. i went to see it alone. because i’m an independent woman.

and i hate when people next to me talk when they should be listening to classic theme music.

and also, my really close friend in wisconsin claims she is movie-narcoleptic. (as in every movie makes her fall asleep. every time. i know. lame)

i don’t want to ruin even one second of this seriously amazing movie for you, so you can click the ‘more’ link if you want to know what i think. but beware of the spoilers.

Read more “i wish i lived in a city … and had $3x”

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