walk this way

I have no friends and I can prove it — I have nobody to walk with.

Even though the weather is finally nice enough to melt ice in this stupid state, and i REALLY want to go for a walk with someone cool — I cant. 

and walking alone is lame.

and running hurts my knees.

and rollar blading is HARD!


and my bike is in Illinois.

so instead im blogging. even though i don’t really think that’s helping my calves. or my abs.

UPDATE: apparenlty I do HAVE at least one friend. maybe she’ll walk with me? huh? huh?

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im a flip flopper. or not.

yay!!!! it’s NICE outside. really. it is.

and i got a pedicure to prove it. (i know! i thought wisconsin was only ever cold too.) 

and i think blue nail polish is making a comback so i went with a color called tropical passion.

and no, it doesn’t really match anything i own.

but im rebellious. and now those who don’t know can see it on my bright blue tween-inspired toes. screw you pink. and red. and especially you, clear.

also, expect to find me in only flip flops until at least November. maybe longer.

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despite being a journalist, i can’t relly spel*

umm, so wordpress changed a bunch of stuff this weekend and for some reason i can’t find the spell check. and seeing as how im the worst speller ever, (true story) im just giving you guys some warning that my posts might have some mistakes until i figure it out.

and, anyone who knows where the square button with the abc letters and the little check symbol ended up, should share the knowledge.


*note: the title was for humor. i CAN spell the words “really” and “spell.” im not a complete idiot.

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