Pretty sure it’s all downhill now that I’ve met Sedaris.

Hey there.

I’m just chillin like a villain watching the stupid Bears lose.

(stupid. stupid bears). (“chillin like a villain” is totally still cool right?)

I went to church this morning. Youth group was fantabulous. While. Um. Other than the fact  that there’s a small chance someone (name withheld to protect the guilty) ate bad macaroni and cheese. He seemed fine though, so I’m sure it all worked out. or up.

Speaking of church, I’m super worried about swine flu. I’ve calculated that I shake an average of 87 hands per Sunday, which comes out to 5.7 billion million germs. I’m picturing a slow death with a high fever while I apply that hand sanitizer every seven-teen seconds.

Every. Seven-teen. Seconds.

(If I get sick I’m totally suing purell). (unless it causes me to reach my goal weight. Then I’d send a thank-you note). (true story).

I also walked four miles today. Hot frost, it’s getting cold out. Stupid deceptive sun tricks me into thinking I just need a sweatshirt. Five minutes later, my finger nails are purple and my nose is running. In conclusion, I need to join some sort of indoor work-out facility.

Either that, or buy a stairmaster-related DVD from Wal-mart.

(New life goal: Move somewhere with summer all year long).

Well, the Bears are still being stupid, but maybe if I start paying attention I can send them good vibes and they’ll come back in the last 15 seconds.

Wish me luck.

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Hi! I’m up. Are you? Oh, and Monday night football is going to be CRAZY!

It’s 6 a.m. and I’m awake on my day off for no reason.

There’s obviously some issues there I need to work out.

Apparently the people who run TV world don’t give a crap about people like me though, because aside from annoying morning shows, the only choices I seem to have are infomercials, Baptist preachers and a 1959 release of Hercules on AMC.

I’m currently contemplating the Bose sound system. Do you understand how amazing their sound quality is? I do.

Moving on, let’s talking about football, shall we?

So, the Vikings are hosting the Packers Monday night.


I wonder what Brett Favre is doing right now? Oh. That’s right. He’s rolling around in piles of money not giving a crap that everyone in Green Bay hates him. Duh.

Did you see this crazy play he made last week? That’s the kind of thing that makes me think he has some sort of deal with the devil involving his arm, the Super Bowl and cheese.

In case you missed it:

If I were a San Fransisco fan, I’d be fuming!

There would be smoke signals coming out of my head, and red and orange flames and possibly fireworks, depending on Minneapolis laws on those types of things.

I’m pretty sure if he pulls some crap like that against Green Bay, Packer fans will immediately get in their cars trucks, drive to Minnessota and kill him. Have you ever MET a Packer fan? I have. They are a crazy for two things – football and foam cheese.

Speaking of football, I interviewed a 100-year old woman yesterday. She  got a Bears jersey for her B-day last weekend with the number 100 on it, and she was AMAZING! Read my story here, and watch the video here.

My new goal is to live to 100 and get one of those jerseys.

Also, to sleep past 6 a.m. on my day off.

Pretty sure the latter will be easier.

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Dear Jay Cutler,

Dear Jay, (I can call you Jay, right?)

Hey, it’s me. Crystal. We haven’t um, ever well, um. OK, we’ve never met. But my friend (ish) Tom covers your team for my newspaper and I can only assume he gets to talk to you sometimes, so I’m going to just go ahead and proceed as though me and you are old pals if you don’t mind. You don’t mind, right?

See, we really need to talk.

First, you should know that when I originally heard you were going to be the Bears’ quarterback, I thought for half a second that I’d actually died and I was in heaven, and this was God’s way of making up to me the fact that I had to wear braces for seven years.

Luckily, I was still alive.

And the whole thing was gloriously real.

quarterback sigh.

Those were the days. The days when you hadn’t thrown a career-record FOUR interceptions. The days when you had yet to lose to the team I hate more than mice. The days when you were still perfect in my eyes.

Alas, those days are gone.

I knew they would never last though. I’m not naive.

And I also know we can never get them back, so we just need to stop focusing on the negative and look to the future now.

See, I get it. Everyone in the universe expects you to literally be Chicago’s savior. They expect you to somehow beat every team single-handely, while also fixing the economy and giving us all free health care.

That’s a lot of pressure for a 26-year-old. I’m 26 too. I know.

Life must be very hard for you. It’s hard for me and the only thing I have to do everyday is remember to twitter at least once while also avoiding soda.

You though. I mean, wow. You probably have to work out for at least 32 hours a day. Then I’d guess you have to memorize plays or something (at least, that’s my impression of what quaterbacks do based on the sports movies I’ve seen). After that, I assume you try to socialize (totally understandable – you need some “me-time”).

So I know you’re working really hard.

That’s not what I’m worried about. Heck, I’m not even worried about your post-game attitude during interviews. I can look past that no problem.

Rather, I’m worried about two entirely different things.

One, I’m worried that you don’t do well under pressure.

Granted, I was watching from my comfortable little couch, but it seemed to me that you were FREAKING THE F OUT! every time one of those mean Packer’s came running at you. Don’t get me wrong, I’d probably do the same thing. But, there’s something you need to understand about your job – huge men running toward you is the kind of thing that’ll happen every time you play.

That’s why you make the big bucks.

Here’s a tip until you figure out how to deal with that though-  if you feel yourself starting to LOSE IT, do not, under any circumstances, just randomly throw the ball in the air. Chances are the other team will get it when you do this. I thought you might have picked up on that the first, second or even third time it happened Sunday. But that was not to be. I hope though, that you figure this out by Sunday’s home opener.

Moving on, I’m also worried about something that doesn’t really have anything to do with your talent, your ability to work under pressure, or your post-game attitude.

Something I’ve dubbed the “Chicago’s Quarterbacks Always Suck” curse.

It’s a proven fact that as soon as a quarterback changes into blue and orange jersey, they start to suck.

Proven fact.

And other Chicagolanders aren’t as forgiving as me. Heck, you could take this team all the way to the freaking Super Bowl, and if you lose that game we’ll consider trading you.

I know it’s harsh, but we just like to win in these parts.

In an effort to combat this curse (which I believe is God’s way of punishing us for continually electing criminals to be governor) I suggest you turn around three-times while reading from your playbook and wearing one of the team’s orange jersey’s usually reserved for Halloween. I’m told chewing Fruit Stirpe Gum during this ritual will only make it more potent.

If you need any help, don’t hesitate to ask.

Anyway, I hope this letter clears things up a bit.

And I really do wish you the best of luck Sunday.

Love (ish),


P.S. You’re kinda cute, so if you ever want to um, call me that’d be cool. Or, you know, you could totally pass my number on to Robbie Gould. He seems like the reliable type.

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