ok. seriously. how cool does that movie look.
HOW. COOL?!?!?
i need to see this movie. right now. right this very second.
except apparently im so lame that even though I’m a girl (a pretty girl, if i do say so myself) i can’t find even ONE nerdy boy to go see star trek.
not one.
what is WRONG with me?
i figure going alone to see star trek as a girl would just be a new low for me, so it’s looking like i’ll have to wait for the video.
OR, maybe i can meet a boy at the movie. what do you think? is 25 too old to be meeting boys at movie theaters?
speaking of science fiction, what happened to cnn’s holograms? i was SO excited when those came out. i told all my friends that we would forever remember it as the day of the hologram.
then cnn dropped them quicker than the stock market crashed. *poof* no mention of them on america’s most trusted news network. nothing. nada. zilch. i hereby am officially requesting that CNN bring back the hologram. i want to see that awesomeness in every home in america by 2012 people.
and while we’re on the topic of things that bother me, holy serif, does the space between the lines of my font here annoy the crap out of me. i almost didn’t want to write about it, so as not to draw attention to the annoyance of it all to those of you lucky enough not to have noticed.
i have tried my hardest to tweak whatever is causing it in the design’s html, but i’ve got nothing here people. the closest i came was tuesday when i accidentally made the text supa big because i thought it might squish it together. alas, that did not happen.
i really, really love this stupid design though, so i haven’t give up hope yet.
maybe there’s a nerdy boy on his way to Regal Showplace 16 to see star trek i could ask about this?